Ashlyn Harris takes a stand, refuting cheating allegations and defending her relationship with Sophia Bush amidst her breakup with Ali Krieger. 

Facing rumors, Harris, a former soccer star, breaks her silence on a Saturday, addressing the whispers surrounding her divorce and subsequent relationship.

In a decisive statement, Harris clarifies, "I did not step out on my marriage," highlighting her unwavering faithfulness despite occasional unhappiness.

Harris sheds light on the efforts invested in her marriage, citing collaborative work, therapy, and processing as integral components.

Detailing a calculated separation, Harris reveals a summer spent navigating divorce steps guided by therapists, lawyers, and a shared agency.

Harris and Krieger faced betrayal when news of their breakup leaked prematurely, disrupting their intended public announcement after Ali's soccer season.

Within a month of filing for divorce, Ashlyn Harris is reported dating Sophia Bush, prompting questions about the timeline of her relationships.

Ali Krieger's cryptic Instagram post adds fuel to infidelity rumors, drawing parallels to Beyoncé's "Lemonade" and her own playoff preparations.

Video from a June event in Cannes hinted at flirtation between Harris and Sophia, but Ashlyn's revelation suggests her separation from Ali at that point.

Harris and Krieger shift focus to co-parenting their two young children, as Ashlyn opens up about mental health struggles following accusations, closing comments on her post.